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Generación de fuentes sintéticas de tráfico de Video vbr mpeg

José Luis Ramírez Fajardo, Néstor Misael Peña Traslaviña


This paper presents a methodology for implementation of synthetic of VBR MPEG video traffic, that also of model the marginal distribution capture in a high grade the pres ent correlations in the empirical video traffic traces. It realizes an statistical and simulation comparison with empirical and synthetic traces. In the simulation its compare the parameters of performance of a system conformed for a buffer finite and an ATM link of output with empirical and synthetic traffic input. Its evidence that temporal dependence is the characteristic limitative of the models of generation of synthetic traffic.

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Facultad de Ingeniería - 2019

Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación

Reconocimiento: Decreto 1297 del 30/may/1964

Personería jurídica: Resolución 28 del 23/feb/1949 Minjusticia


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